Friendly, trustworthy and reliable
Whether you're a seasoned fire or H&S professional, you're just starting out in the profession, or you're a business owner seeking support, Tamar Safety's consultancy services are there for you.
Dave, our lead Consultant, has a wealth of experience in providing consultancy services on a variety of fire and H&S topics in multiple industry settings. Information on our services can be found below. Consultancy visits, telephone calls or video calls can be arranged on a half or full-day rate by arrangement - please contact us with some brief details and a member of our team will contact you as soon as possible.
Detailed consultancy admin and information can be found here.
Consultancy services
Audits and reviews
Tamar Safety offer two levels of checks for your H&S management system: a top-level desktop review, or a detailed audit. Both services can be completed on-site, by video call or telephone.
Devised through years of experience our advanced audit template forms the basis of our detailed audit to evidence the effectiveness of your organisation's H&S management system. Our template model is build on the 'Plan, Do, Check, Act' model as featured in the HSE's HSG65 Managing for health and safety, as well as the structure for many ISO systems. The template is adapted to each organisation to ensure it is relevant and fit for purpose. On completion of the audit, you will receive an audit report summarising key findings and recommendations, and an audit workbook capturing all of the audit responses and identified actions.
Our desktop review uses a reduced version and structure of our audit template and is better suited for smaller organisations, or for an initial insight to 'get a feel' for where your management system currently is, whilst still incorporating core management system items. On completion of the review, you will receive a review report and actions document, summarising the key findings and list of recommended actions.
Management systems
Whether it's well established, not yet started, or anything in between - accessing and acting on competent advice and support for your H&S management system brings multiple business benefits to your organisation and meeting your legislative requirements. Tamar Safety offer two main methods of support: reviewing your management system, or through scheduled consultations creating one alongside you.
Our services focus on the 'Plan, Do, Check, Act' cycle of continuous improvement, which is well-established and recognised in multiple ISO systems and HSE documents, including HSG65 and INDG417.
Strategic planning
In larger organisations (through number of staff, departments and/or sites) the effective integration of the H&S management system, cultural or systematic change can require a strategic approach to secure its success. Through a tried and tested approach Tamar Safety can support you in establishing your vision, aims, objectives, priorities and themes to establish where the organisation currently is, where it needs to be, and how it can get there over a given period of time.
Fire consultancy
We offer a range of fire consultancy services including policies, audits, strategies and management systems.
More information on fire consultancy is available here.
Safety culture
What is 'safety culture'? It's a phrase that's used so often, but very difficult to determine or provide a metric on - essentially, it's "the way things are done around here". However, safety culture is so much more than this, and unlocking your culture can help you understand how to strengthen and develop it to maximise the effectiveness of your management system, risk management, control measures and deal with future changes.
Tamar Safety utilise a range of self-assessment tools, interviews, observations and document reviews to establish the status of your culture across 7 disciplines and providing a targeted action plan that will maintain or improve your culture.
Stress management
Stress anxiety and depression are the number one reasons for work related illness in the UK and is on the rise. Whether you’re a small business or a large corporation, the law requires all employers to prevent work related stress to support good mental health in the workplace.
Statistics published by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), covering the 2021/22 period, show of the 1.8 million workers suffering from a work-related illness, 914,000 were stress, depression or anxiety. Over half of working days are lost due to work-related stress, depression or anxiety (17 million). The total annual cost of poor mental health to employers has increased by 25% since 2019, costing UK employers up to £56 billion a year.
Through successful application of the HSE's Stress Management Standards and associated resources, Tamar Safety can support you in identifying control measures to support individuals and the organisation in areas including demands, control, support, relationships, role and change.
Additional consultancy services
Examples of other standalone consultancy services include:
risk assessments
COSHH assessments and controls
RPE selection
DSE assessments
manual handling operations assessments
noise exposure and control measures
event safety and organisation
workshop layouts in industry and education
metalworking fluid management and controls